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WNYOA transponder and other scoring tips

To All WNYOA Riders,

Welcome to the 2015 Race Season.    First and foremost, I would like to begin by wishing everyone good luck and a fun and safe season.

For the 2015 Season, WNYOA has gone to a new Scoring Program.  We have been working with the programmers over the last few months to be trained on the software and to make sure all the equipment is working correctly with the new software.  Part of the new program is a new Transponder system as well.  Please read the instructions carefully which will be provided when you pick up your 2015 Membership Card.  We recommend that you allow WNYOA Staff to assist with ensuring the Transponder is placed on your visor properly.  There is a correct and incorrect way to put the transponder on that will ensure the antenna at scoring reads the transponder accurately.  This will ensure you are being scored correctly and minimize scoring errors. 

That being said, there will be some additional changes this season.  The Scoring Team will provide results as soon as possible at the track for rider viewing so that any protests and scoring issues can be addressed on the spot. 

Points will be handled differently as well this year.  Points will be computed by the Scoring Program and be managed by the Scorekeeper instead of a separate Points Keeper like in past years.  The Scoring Team hopes to be able to provide a Points Total after the allotted protest periods have ended at each race.  Keep in mind that this will not be a breakdown of where the points were earned and may not be up to date with Worker Points earned.  The breakdown will be available online in the days following an event and the Worker Points will be updated periodically, once they are received from the various promoting clubs.  IT IS THE RIDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VIEW THE RESULTS AT THE TRACK AND ADDRESS ANY PROTESTS OR SCORING ISSUES AT THE TRACK IN THE ALLOTTED PROTEST PERIOD.

In addition, the procedure and time frame in which results are submitted to the AMA has changed for the 2015 season, it is IMPARATIVE that you view the results at the track and address any protests or scoring issues immediately.  The necessary data will be sent to the AMA within days following an event.  Once results have been submitted to AMA, the Scoring Team will not be making additional changes to those results. 

In regards to the GNCC Tomahawk / WNYOA Co-sanctioned event to be held on May 9th and 10th, 2015 (Round 2), the Scoring Team will provide results online as soon as they become available.  WNYOA will have Registration set up at the event.  All WNYOA Riders must register with WNYOA Registration Staff.  If you fail to register with WNYOA, points will not be awarded to you for this event.  

Please submit any questions or concerns to the Scoring Team at  Remember, changes to the results will not be addressed by the Scoring Team after the protest periods have ended for each event. 

Again, I hope everyone has a safe and fun season.  Good luck!!!



WNYOA Score Keeper

New Scoring System

2015 WNYOA Scoring Update

"New scoring system coming for 2015. all riders will need a new transponder to begin the season. the first one is included with your series application. replacements transponders are $10.00. We will post more info as we receive it."

Transponder System

WNYOA Inc. 2015